Dr Tint Moe Thu Zar

Yadanabon University (YDNBU), a national university(higher educational institution) under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Education, was established in 2000 and it has now a capacity for sixty thousands students. It is an Arts and Sciences University and situated 20 km north from Mandalay City Center. The University offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in common liberal arts and sciences disciplines. Twenty one departments offer twenty six teaching programs. There exist a various thematic fields such as Myanmar studies, English, geography, history, philosophy, psychology, law, oriental studies, international relations, anthropology, archaeology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, meteorology, nuclear physics, mathematics, hydrology, zoology, biotechnology, botany, microbiology, geology, industrial chemistry and computer studies.
Currently, twenty-three thousand students are attending regular classes. In addition, another thirty-seven thousand students take lectures conducted at Yadanabon University Branch, University of Distance Education. Moreover, YDBU offers some diploma courses under Human Resource Development Program (HRD), for instance, diploma in computer studies and diploma in spatial information.
Eight hundred and fifty academic staffs including eighty three professors are working at Yadanabon University. In addition, four hundred administrative staffs manage all affairs of the university such as administrative, financial, academic, international and social affairs etc.
Concerning extra-curriculum activities at YDNBU, there are key activities for sports, performing art competitions, moral and capacity building programs, experiential learning programs such as service-learning, seminars, talks, workshops on various topics like Climate Change, Anti-narcotic Drugs and Traffic Rules and Regulations, National Patriotism. Yadanabon University encourages it students to engage in community works voluntarily. In addition, a Student Service Centre has been launched in Yadanabon University since June, 2012 and senior faculty members are interchangeably assigned to foster communication with students in order to meet students’ needs and solve their problems.
Recently, education reforms have been launched in Myanmar. These pave the way for YDNBU to collaborate with international institutions. YDBU has already signed MoU with more than eight global universities.

History and Briefing

On June 5, 1955, the College of Yadanabon was founded. In 1982, it was promoted to the Degree College of Magway. It was promoted to the University of Magway on December 20, 1994. From the year 2013, the degrees were given at the convocation hall, located in its campus.

Our vision is to produce outstanding graduates who are well-integrated with intellectual growth, emotional growth and good citizenship, and are able to build a modern developed democratic nation with prosperity and tranquility. Our mission is to be the University which can create good academic atmosphere that can shape students to become good citizens and that is relied and valued by society in order to build a modern developed democratic nation. Our university is one of the non-profit organizations.

Rector and Pro-Rectors of Yadanabon University

Dr Tint Moe Thu Zar


MA(Geography), Ph.D

Dr Thwe Linn Ko


MSc(Industrial Chemistry), Ph.D

Dr Khin Myo


MA(Geography), Ph.D

Dr Myint Myint Oo


MA(History), Ph.D

Dr Khin Maw Maw Soe


MSc(Chemistry), Ph.D