Department of Physics
Professor | – | 2 |
Associate Professor | – | 4 |
Lecture | – | 4 |
Assistant Lecturer | – | – |
Demonstrator | – | 38 |
Total | – | 48 |
History of the Department
The origin of the Department of Physics in the Yadanabon University started in the academic year 1999-2000. Rector U win Maung and Pro-rector U Than Nwe were behind the establishment of the Department. The department of Physics offers BSc , BSc (Hons) and MSc degree in Physics.
- As physics plays an important role in moving towards a new state that is advanced through education, physics must be at a high level and contribute to the development of the country.
- To Produce high-quality and thoughtful human resources
- To implement the research field in relation to businesses
Programs Offered
BSc / BSc (Hons) in Physics |
MSc in Physics |
BSc in Physics
BSc (Honours) in Physics
Students who passed second year with GPA greater than 4 are eligible to attend BSc. (Honours) classes for three years. After finished successfully, they are earned BSc. (Hons) degree majoring in Physics.
MSc in Physics
Descriptions Modules Offered
Motion in a Plane: Components of motion, Projectile motion, Uniform circular motion and centripetal acceleration.
Forces: Newton’s law of gravitation,A closer look at g, Apparent weightlessness,
Friction: Causes and types, Coefficients of friction, Air resistance.
Work, Energy and Power: Work, Energy, The conservation of energy, power.
Rotational Motion and Dynamics: Description of rotational motion, Torque and moment of inertia, Rotational work, power, and kinetic energy, Angular momentum.
Sound: The nature of sound, sound and hearing, sound phenomena.
Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties. Pressure and pressure measurement, Buoyancy and Archimedes’ principle, Fluid flow. Special Topics.
Light and Illumination: The nature of light, Interference, Diffraction, Polarization, Illumination.
Basic dc Circuits: Resistances in series and parallel, Kirchhoff’s rules and multiloop circuits, Voltage sources in series, Circuit applications.
Solar energy Technology: Solar radiation, Electricity from solar energy, solar heating and cooling.
Thermodynamics, Heat Engines & Pumps: The first law of thermodynamics and thermodynamic process, The second and third laws of thermodynamics. Special Topics.
(1) Serway R A& Jewett J W 2010 “Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics: 9th Edition”
(2) Wilson J D, 1987, Technical College Physics: 2nd Edition’’ (New York: Saunders)
Elements of AC Circuits & Electronic Circuits: Reactance, Impedance, Resonance& Power Factor, Electrical Power, Transmission, House-hold Circuits, Electrical Safety, Personal safety & Electrical Effects, Ground- Fault Interrupter, Logic Gates Circuits, Introduction to Boolean Algebra. Special Topics.
(1) Serway R A& Jewett J W 2010 “Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics: 9th Edition”
(2) Wilson J D, 1987, Technical College Physics: 2nd Edition’’ (New York: Saunders)
Electronics and Solid State Devices: The Electron Tube, Solid State Devices, Printed Circuits, Integrated Circuits and fabrication, Regulator Diode and Application, Light Emitting Diodes, Xerography & Electrostatic Copiers. Special Topics.
Modern Physics: Intrinsic semiconductors, Compound semiconductors, Junction Diode, n-p-n Transistors, p-n-p Transistors, Rectifiers, Amplifier. Radio, TV and Computer: Radio, woofer and Tweeter, Television, LCDs- Liquid Crystal Displays, Radio Telescopes, Computer. Special Topics.
(1) Wilson J D, 1987, Technical College Physics: 2nd Edition’’ (New York: Saunders)
(2) Rortney L R 1987 “Principle of Electronics, Analog and Digital” (New York: Harcourt)
Vector Analysis: Vector and Scalars,The dot and Cross Product, Vector Differentiation, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Vector Integration, The Divergence Theorem, Stoke’ Theorem, and Curl, Vector Integration,The Divergence Theorem, Stoke’ Theorem, and Related Integral Theorems, Curvilinear Coordinates. Special Topics.
(1) Murray R. Spiegel 1959; “Vector Analysis”
(2) Harry F Davis/Arthur David Snider “Introduction to Vector Analysis”
(3) SOS 1975 “Vector Analysis” (Cambridge: CUP)
Elementary computing concepts: PC basic, Introduction to MathCAD /Mathematica.
Essential programming concepts: variables, arrays, block structure, subroutines and functions, compile-link-debug cycle, Pseudo Language, excluding obscure features, Top-down approach to program design, Programming examples chosen from the physical sciences. Numerical Technique: Finite diffuseness, Newton’s formulae, Numerical integration, Solution of algebraic and transcendental equation. Special Topics.
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations:
Differential Equation: Solutions of Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree, Variables separable and reduction to variables separable, Exact Equations and Reduction to Exact Equations, Linear Equation, Geometric application, Physical application, Partial Differential Equations: Elimination of arbitrary constants, Linear partial differential equations: Special Topics.
(1) Frank Ayres IR 1952 “Theory and Problem of Differential Equation” (SOS: New York)
(2) Verna PDS 1997 “Mathematical Physics” (New Delhi: Vikas)
(3) A.I. Chernoustan, A. V. Egorov, A. V. Manzhirov, &etals. 2011 “Concise Handbook of Mathematics, Physics, And Engineering Sciences” (CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group)
The static electric field: Part 1, The static electric field: Part 2, The Steady Electric Current Special Topics.
(1) Kraus J D &Carver R K 1973 “ Electromagnetic: 2nd Edition” (New York: McGraw Hill)
Applications of Thermodynamics, Unit system, First law of thermodynamics, Heat and specific heat, Specific heats for ideal gases, Processes for ideal gases, Quasistatic- Adiabatic process. Equation of state, Thermal expansions, Physical description of the second law, Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements, Reversible processes and cycles, Sign convection of heat and work, Macroscopic definition of entropy, Principle of increase of entropy, Change in entropy for an ideal gas, Carnot cycle, Third law of thermodynamics, The Kinetic Theory of Gases, Molecular Model of an Ideal Gas, Molar Specific Heat of an Ideal Gas, Adiabatic Processes for an Ideal Gas, The Equipartition of Energy, The Boltzmann Distribution Law, Distribution of Molecular Speeds/ Mean Free Path. Special Topics.
(1) Holman J P 1980 “Thermodynamics” (New York: McGraw Hill)
(2) SerwayR A, Vuille C &Faughn J S 2009 “College Physics: 8th Edition”
Analytical Mechanics: Static of bodies, Work & potential energy, Motion with air resistance, Oscillations, resonance and phenomenon vibrations, Systems of particles, linear and angular momentum, Motion of rigid body in plane, Central force motion, Gravitational Potential, Orbital motion, Black holes, Generalized co-ordinates. Special Topics.
(1) Fasano A 2002 “Analytical Mechanics ” ( New York: Oxford University Press)
(2) Hand L N 2000 “Analytical Mechanics ” ( New York: Wiley)
Statistical Meahanics: Microstates and degeneracy, distinguishable and indistinguishable particles, Thermodynamic functions of state, distribution functions, Entropy, disorder and the probability of system configuration occurring, Information theory, Arrow of time, Equilibrium configuration, Boltzmann distribution, Temperature, Partition function, One-dimensional harmonic oscillator, Plank distribution, Black body radiation, Femi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions. Special Topics.
(1) Mayer M 1940 “Statistical mechanics” (New York: John Wiley)
Light as Photons. Brief introduction to absorption, emission, and luminescence.
Diffraction of light (Applications): resolution of imaging systems. Angular spreading and focusing of optical beams.
Interference of light: Two-beam interference; Young’s Slits; Thin Film interference. Interference of light: Stokes relations and Multiple beam intereference, Special Topics.
(1) F. L. Pedrotti, L.S. Pedrotti and L.M. Pedrotti 2009 “Introduction to Optics” 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall.
(2) NyuntLwin 1992 “Optics” (Yangon: UDE)
(3) Jakin& White 1978 “Optics” Latest edition (New York: John Wiley)
Pre Newton Physics, Newtonian Gravity, Newtonian Space-time, Michelson & Morley Experiment, Motion in Mechanics, Einstein’s Space-time, Four vectors in Special Relativity. Special Topics.
(1) Fayngold M 2002 “Special Relativity and Motions Faster than Light” (Wiley e-book)
(2) Hogg D W 1997 “Special Relativity” (Princeton ebook)
Lorentz Transformations, Phase velocity, wave velocity, Relativistic kinetic energy, Length, Mass and Time in Special Relativity, Addition of velocities. Energy moment-four vectors, The twin paradox, Introduction to curved space-time, Gravitation as curved space-time, Gravitation as curved space-time phenomenon. Special Topics.
(1) Fayngold M 2002“Special Relativity and Motions Faster than Light” (Wiley e-book)
(2) Hogg D W 1997 “Special Relativity” (Princeton ebook)
(Elementary netword theory), Sinusoidal steady state response of circuits, Magnetic theory and circuits, Transformers, (Thevenin and Norton theorems), Special Topics.
Diodes: characteristics and applications, (Special-Purpose Diodes), Bipolar Junction Transistors(BJTs), Transistors Bias Circuits, Special Topics.
(1) SOS 1965“AC Circuits” (Cambride; CUP)
(2) Lloyd R Rortney 1987 “Principle of Electronics, Analog and Digital” (New York; Harcourt)
BJT Amplifiers, Field-Effect Transistor; FET Amplifiers, Power Amplifiers, Amplifier Frequency Response, Special Topics.
(1) Floyd 2008 “Electronics Devices: 6th edition” (New Jersey: Prentice Hall)
(2) Lloyd R Rortney 1987 “Principle of Electronics, Analog and Digital” (New York: Harcourt)
Nuclear properties, Nuclear models, Nuclear forces, Nuclear energy, Nuclear disintegration, Decay processes, Nuclear radiation detectors: ( Gas filled detectors, Scintillation detectors, Decat processes, Nuclear radiation detectors: (Gas filled detectors, Scintillation detectors, Semiconductors), Special Topics.
(1) Kaplan I 1971 “Nuclear Physics: 2nd Edition” (California: Wesley)
(2) Ghoshal S N 2003 “Nuclear Physics” (New York: Schand Com Ltd)
(3) Krane K S 1998 “Introductory Nuclear Physics” (New York: John Wiley & Sons)
(4) Kakanai S L 2003 “Nuclear and particle Physics” (New Delhi: S Chand)
Nuclear Reactions, Particle accelerators, Elementary particles and quarks, Introduction to radiation protection, Health Physics, Special topics.
(1) Kaplan I 1971 “Nuclear Physics: 2nd Edition”( California: Wesley)
(2) Ghoshal S N 2003 “Nuclear Physics” (New York: Schand Com Ltd)
(3) Krane K S 1998 “Introductory Nuclear Physics” (New York: John Wiley & Sons)
(4) Kakanai S L 2003 “Nuclear and particle Physics” (New Delhi: S Chand)
Introduction to Newtonian Mechanics: Frames of Reference, Newton’s Law of Motion, Motion under a Time-dependent Force, Reflection of Radio waves from the Ionosphere, Motion under a Velocity Dependent Force, Motion of Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields,
System of Particles: Centre of Mass, Conservation of Linear Momentum, Angular Momentum, Conservation of Angular Momentum, Kinetic Energy for a System of Particles, Energy Conservation of a System of Particles, Time Varying Mass Systems Rockets,
Lagrangian Formulation: Constraints, Generalized Co-ordinates, Principle of Virtual Work, D’Alembert’s Principle, Lagrange’s Equations, Kinetic Energy in Generalized Co-ordinates, Generalized Momentum,
VariationalPrinciple: Hamilton’s Principle, Deduction of Hamilton’s Principle, Lagrange’s Equation from Hamilton’s Principle,
Central Force Motion: Reduction to One-body Problem, General Properties of Central Force Motion, Effective Potential, Special Topics.
(1) Aruldhas G 2009 “Classical Mechanics” (New Delhi-110001)
(2) Goldstein H 1971 “Classical Mechanics” (California: Wesley)
Hamiltonian Mechanics: The Hamiltonian of a System, Hamilton’s Equations of Motion, Hamilton’s Equations from Variational Principle, Canonical Transformations,
Hamilton-Jacobi Theory:Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, Hamilton’s Characteristic Function, Harmonic Oscillator in The H-J Method, Separation of Variables in The H-J Equation, Central Force Problem in Plane Polar Co-ordinates, Action-Angle Variables, Harmonic Oscillator in Action-Angle Variables,
The Motion of Rigid Bodies: Introduction, Angular Momentum, Kinetic Energy, Inertia Tensor, Principle Axes, Euler’s Angles, Infinitesimal Rotations, Rate of Change of a Vector, Coriolis Force,
Special Theory of Relativity: Relativistic Lagrangian of a Particle, Relativistic Hamiltonian of a Particle, Space-Time Diagram, Geometrical Interpretation of Lorentz Transformation, Principle of Covariance, Four-Vectors in Mechanics, Charge Current Four-Vector, Invariance of Maxwell’s Equations, Special Topics.
(1) Aruldhas G 2009 “Classical Mechanics” (New Delhi-110001)
(2) Goldstein H 1971 “Classical Mechanics” (California: Wesley)
The Static Magnetic Field of Steady Electric Currents:
The Static Magnetic Field of ferromagnetic materials: Magnetic dipoles and magnetization, Uniformly magnetized rod and equivalent air filled solenoid, The magnetic vectors B, H and M, Boundary relations, Tables of boundary relations for magnetic fields, Ferromagnetism, Magnetizstion curves, Hysteresis.
Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations and boundary value problems: Solutions of Laplace’s equations in rectangular coordinates, The parallel plate capacitors, Point by Point or interactive method, Solutions of Laplace’s equations in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Poisson’s equation, Time-changing Electric and Magnetic Fields, Special Topics.
(1) Kraus J D & Carver R K 1973 “Electromagnetics: 2nd Edition” (New York: McGraw Hill)
(2) SOS 1965 “Electromagnetic Wave Theory’’ (Cambridge: CPU)
Time-Changing Electric and Magnetic Fields:
The Relation Between Field and Circuit Theory: Maxwell’s Equation:
Plane waves in dielectric and conducting media: Plane waves and the wave equations, Solutions of the wave equations, Tables of solutions of wave equations, Phase velocity, Index of refraction, Group velocity, Impedance of dielectric media, The impendance of transmission line cell, Two plane waves traveling in opposite directions, Standing waves, Energy relation in a traveling waves, The Poynting vector, Energy relations in a standing wave, Conductors and dielectrics, Wave equations for conducting media, Depth of penetration. Relaxation time, Impedance of conducting media, Circuit application of the Poynting vector, General development of the wave equations problems. Special Topics.
(1) Kraus J D & Carver R K, 1973, “Electromagnetics: 2nd Edition” (New York: McGraw Hill)
(2) SOS 1965 “Electromagnetic Wave Theory” (Cambridge: CPU)
Special Functions, Partial Differential Equation, Gamma, Beta functions, Differentiation under the Integral Sign. Special Topics.
(1) Dass H K 1997 “Mathematical Physics” (New Delhi: S Chand)
Operational Amplifiers : Introduction to Operational & its applications, Oscillators,Voltage Regulators,Op-Amp Frequency Response ,Basic Op-Amp Circuits, Active Filters,Oscillators &the Phase-locked Iooo, (Special Topics:Sensors &
Detectors: Characteristics, Data Acquisition and processing)
(1) Floyd 2008 “Electronic Devices 6th edition” (New Jersey Prentice Hall)
(2) Rortney L R 1987 “Principle of Electronics, Analog and Digital” (New York Harcourt)
(Number Systems),Operations and codes , Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification, Combinational Logic, Data processing circuits, Arithmetic Circuits, Clock and Timing Circuits , Special Topics.
Functions of Combinational Logic, Flip-Flop and Related Devices, Counters, Latches, Flip-flops
And their operation, characteristics and applications such as parallel data storage, counter,
monostable and bistablemultivibrator, timers, etc.
Counters:Asynchronous/Synchronous counter operations, Up/down synchronous counters and design of synchronous counter ,counter decoding and counter applications.
Shift register: Different types of shift registers and applications . Special Topics.
(1) Floyd 2009 “Digital Fundamentals 10th edition”(New Jersey ;Prentice Hall)
(2) Floyd 2008 “Electronics Devices 6th edition “(New Jersey Prentice Hall)
(3) Rortney LR 1987”Principle of Electronics Analog and Digital” (New York Harcourt)
(4) A P Malvino, Digital computer electronics , 3rd Edition
Neutron Physics : The production of neutrons, The detection of neutrons, The interaction of neutrons with matter in bulk ,slowing down, Thermal neutrons, The diffusion of thermal neutrons, Cross-sections for neutron-induced reactions , measurement of the cross –section, Scattering absorption and activation cross section, Nuclear radiation and Neutron
Detectors, Special Topics
(1) Krane K S1988 “Introductory Nuclear physics “ (New York John Wiley & Sons)
(2) Kakanai S L 2003”Nuclear and Particle Physics “ (New Delhi S Chand)
(3) Enge H 1966 “Introduction to nuclear Physics” (New York : Wesley)
(4) Kaplan I 1971 “Nuclear Physics 2nd Edition (California: Wesley)
Nuclear Fission: The discovery of nuclear fission ,Fission cross sections and thresholds,, The fission products, The mass and energy distributions and the fission products, Neutrons emission in fission ,
The energy distribution of the neutrons emitted in fission , The energy release in fission , The theory of
fission process, Nuclear Energy Sources, Nuclear Fission as a source of energy .The chain-reacting system and Introduction Nuclear Reactor ,Specials Topics.
(1) Krane K S 1988 “Introductory Nuclear Physics “ (New York John Wiley &Sons)
(2) Klkanai S L 2003”Nuclear and Particle Physics ” (New Delhi S Chand)
(3) Kaplain I 1971”Nuclear Physics 2nd Edition” (California Wesley)
(4) Nargolwalla SS “Activation Analysis with Neutron Generation “ (New York Wiley )
Phys 4105 Quantum Mechanics
Development in quantum theory , Blackbody radiations, Rayleigh – Jeans law, Photoelectric &Compton effect, X-ray ,Electron diffraction, Wave packets & De Broglie’ wave particle dualism ,Probability amplitudes, Probability in Classical&Quantum Physics ,Uncertainty Principle, Wave
Function ,Operators, Time dependent and time independent Schrodinger’s equation Special Topics.
Application of SE in physical problems ,Particle in a box ,Tunneling effect , Potential barrier, Potential well, potential step ,Simple harmonic oscillators ,Energy levels of the H-atom and ,H-like atoms , Perturbation theory , Vibrational theory , Approximation methods (in genera;) ,Special Topics.
(1) TunKhin 1998 “Quantum Mechanics “ (Yangon :UDE)
(2) Single 1998 “Elements of Quantum Mechanics “(California :Wesley )
(3) Dyson F J 2006 “Advanced Quantum Mechanics “ (ebook : www 4shared . com)
Crystal Structure : Crystal Lattice and Translation Vectors , Unit Cell, Basis , Symmetry operations, Point Groups and Space Groups, Types of Lattice ,,Lattice direction and Planes , Interplanar .Spacing , Density Computations, Linear and Planar Densities (Ref.1), Simple Crystal Structure of Diamond , Zinc Blende (Zns) Structure , Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Structure Special Topics.X-Ray Diffraction and Reciprocal Lattice : X-ray diffraction method , Reciprocal Lattice , Property of Reciprocal Lattice ,Bragg’s law and Reciprocal Lattice , Atomic Scattering Factor , Geometrical Structure Factor, Reciprocal Lattice , Atomic Scattering Factor, Geometrical Structure Factor, Bonding on Solids , (Special Topics Research methodology )Identification of structure by XRD technique (Practical)crystal
Lattice Vibration : Vibration of one –directional monoatomic Lattice , Vibration of one-dimensional diatomic Lattice , Phonons, Momentum of Phonon , Inelastic Scattering of Photon by Phonon , Specific Heat, Classical Theory of Capacity ,Debye’s Model of Lattice Heat Capacity Special Topics.
Free Electron Theory of Metals: Drude- Lorentz’s classical theory , Sommerfeld’s quantum theory , Application of Free Gas Model Special Topics.
Classification of materials: Metals, Semiconductors (Ref.4)
Classification of material’s morphology by using Scanning Electron Microscope (Special Topics)
(1) Puri R K &Babbar V K 2003”Solid State Physics and Electronics “ (New Delhi S Chand)
(2) Kittle C 1999”Introduction to Solid State Physics “7th edition (new York Wiley)
(3) Marder M P 2000 “Condensed matter physics “( New York Wiley )
(4) William D .Callister,Jr. and David G . Rethwisch 2009”Materials Science and Engineering:An Introduction”
Differential geometry Curves and surfaces , Kinematics and dynamics of particles. Special Topics
Kinematics and dynamics of rigid body , Hydrodynamic :Equation of continuity ,Euler’s eqn of motion for a perfect fluid , Bernouilli’s theorem , Steady irrotational motion. Special Topics .
(1) Dusl J K 2008”A text Book of Vector Calculus “ (New Delhi: S hand)
(2) Casalbuoni R 1998 “Quantum Field Theory “(Geneva Uni-ebook )
Memory and storages: Semiconductor memories; RAM, ROM, PROM, and Flash memories, Memory Expansion, Special types of Memories. ADC,DAC.
Microcontroller Embedded Systems; Architecture, Instruction set, Assembly Language programming technique, Programming I/Os and Peripherals, application design and hardware interfacing examples, Special Topics.
(1) Floyd 2008 “Electronics Devices: 6th edition” (New Jersey: Prentice Hall)
(2) Rortney L R 1987 “Principle of Electronics, Analog and Digital”(New York: Harcourt)
(3) Tan L 2008 “Digital Signal Processing”
Special-Purpose Op-Amp Circuits
Instrumentation Amplifiers, Isolations Amplifiers, Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs), Log and antilog Amplifiers, Converters and Other Op-Amp Circuits Applications Activity Programmable Analog Technology, Power switching devices, (References: Thomas, L. Floyd, Electronics Devices: Electron flow version, 9th Edition, (Chapter 14)), Special Topics.
(1) Floyd 2008 “Electronics Devices: 6th edition” (New Jersey: Prentice Hall)
(2) Rortney L R 1987 “Principle of Electronics, Analog and Digital” (New York: Harcourt)
(3) Tan L 2008 “Digital Signal Processing”
Introduction to Radiation Measurement, Statistical Errors of Radiation Counting, Review of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Energy Loss and Penetration of Radiations through matter, Introduction to Spectroscopy, Research Methodology and Techniques, Special Topics.
(1) Tsoulfanidis N 1995 “Measurement and Detection of Radiation: 2nd Edition”
(London: Taylors & Francis)
(2) Knoll Glenn F “Radiation detection and measurement”
Nuclear Forces and Two Body Problem, Wave Equation of deuteron, Low Energy Neutron-Proton Scattering Length, Scattering Parameters from Low Energy Data, Photodisintegration of the deuteron, Neutron-proton capture, Proton-Proton Scattering at Low Energies, Neutron-Neutron Scattering, High Energy Neutron-Proton Scattering, Proton-Proton Scattering at High Energies. Nature of two Nucleon Potential (Ghoshal), Special Topics.
(1) Ghoshal S N 2003 “Nuclear Physics” (New Delhi: S Chand)
(2) Kakanai S L 2008 “Nuclear and Particle Physics” (New Delhi: Viva Books)
Wave mechanics: Wave packets, Gaussian wave-packet, Quantization of (i) translationary (ii) orbital (iii) vibrationary motion, WKB Approximation, Quantum Field Theory Part 1 (QFT 1), Special Topics.
(1) Griffiths D J 1995 “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics” (New Jersey: Prentice Hall)
(2) Singh 1998 “Elements of Quantum Mechanics” (California: Wesley)
(3) Dyson F J 2006 “Advanced Quantum Mechanics” (ebook:
(4) Park D 1964 “Introduction to the Quantum Theory” (New York: McGraw-Hill)
Dirac vector model for angular momentum, (Matrix mechanics), Ladder and Shift operators, Angular momentum and spin, Scattering and cross section, Scattering amplitude, Born and Yukawa approximation, Elastic and Inelastic scattering, Scattering of identical particles, Quantum Field Theory Part 2 (QFT 2), Special Topics.
(1) NouredineZettili 2001 “Quantum Mechanics Concepts and Application” (New York:
(2) Dyson F J 2006 “Advanced Quantum Mechanics” (ebook:
(3) Park D 1964 “Introduction to the Quantum Theory” (New York: McGraw-Hill)
Band Theory of Solids: The Bloch Theorem, TheKronig-Penney Model, Velocity and Effective Mass of Electron, Distinction Between Metals, Insulators and Semiconductors, Special Topics.
Band Theory of Solids: The Bloch Theorem, TheKronig-Penney Model, Velocity and Effective Mass of Electron, Distinction Between Metals, Insulators and Semiconductors, Special Topics.
Semiconductors: Pure or Intrinsic Semiconductors, Impurity or Extrinsic Semiconductors, Drift velocity, Mobility and Conductivity of Intrinsic Semiconductors, Special Topics.
The temperature Dependence of Carrier Concentration, Factors That Affect Carrier Mobility, The Hall Effect, (Ref: 4) Carrier Concentration and Fermi Level for Intrinsic Semiconductor, Carrier Concentration, Fermi Level and Conductivity for Extrinsic semiconductor,
Semiconductor Devices: Superconductivity. (Special topic: Atomic Bonding In Solids: Bonding Forces and Energies, Primary Interatomic Bonds, Secondary Bonding or van der Waals Bonding, Molecules (Ref: 4) Calculations of Lattice Parameters by XRD technique (Practical)
(1) Puri R K &Babbar V K 2003 “Solid State Physics and Electronics” (New Delhi: S
(2) Kittle C 1999 “Introduction to Solid State Physics” (New York: Wiley)
(3) Marder M P 2000 “Condensed Matter Physics” (NY: Wiley)
Processing/Structure/Properties/Performance Correlations) (Ref: 3)
Properties of materials: Electrical properties of materials, Thermal properties of materials, Optical properties of materials, Magnetic properties of materials.
Solar cell: The solar resources, Photovoltaic, Generating of solar power, Designing solar
cell, Thin Flim Solar Cells (Thin Film Photovoltaic Material, Defects in Polycrystalline Thin Flim Materials, thin Flim Silicon Solar Cell).
Nanotechnology: Introduction to Nanotechnology, IncrementalNanotechnology, EvolutionaryNanotechnology, RadicalNanotechnology, Bottom-up/top down Nanotechnology.
Special topics: Single Crystals, Polycrystalline Materials, Anisotropy, Noncrystalline Solids, Imperfections in Solids, Vacancies and Self-Interstitials, Impurities in Solids, Dislocations-Linear Defects, Interfacial Defects, Advanced Materials Semiconductors)
(Ref: 4)
Estimation of grain size using Scanning Electron Microscope(Practical)
(1) Jenny Nelson 2010 “The Physics of Solar Cell” (Imperial Collage)
(2) Lynn P A 2010 “Electricity from Sunlight: An Introduction to Photovoltaic”
(Singapore: Wiley)
(3) William D.Callister, Jr; “Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction”
(4) Chris Binns; “Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”
Wave Polarization: Wave Reflection and Diffraction-Plane Wave, Normal Incidence, The Terminated Wave, Linearly Polarized Plane Wave, Oblique Incidence, Elliptically Polarized Plane Wave, Huygens’ Principle and Physical Optics, Geometrical-Optics Concepts, Scattering from a Conducting Strip, Geometrical Theory of Diffraction. Special Topics.
(1) Kraus J D & Carver R K 1973 “Electromagnetic: 2nd Edition” (New York: McGraw Hill)
(2) Raymond A. Serway 2004 “Physics for Scientists and Engineers” (Thomson e-book)
Transmission Lines, Wave Guides and Resonators-Coaxial, Two-wire and Infinite-Plane Transmission Lines, The Infinite Uniform Transmission Line, Comparison of Circuit and Field Quantities, characteristic-Impedance Determinations, The Terminated Uniform Transmission line, Transmission, Transmission line charts, Transformer Bandwidth, Wave Reflections on a /4 Transformer. Power Flow on a Transmission line. Circuit, Lines andGuide; TE mode Wave in the Infinite Parallel Plane Transmission line, The Hollow Rectangular Waveguide, The Hollow Circular Cylindrical Waveguide, Hollow Waveguides of others Cross Section, Attenuation at Frequencies at less/greater than cutoff, Waveguide Devices, waveguides Iris Theory, Intrinsic, Characteristic and wave Impedances. Wave Traveling to a plane Boundary, Open Waveguides, Cavity Resonators. Special Topics.
(1) Kraus J D & Carver R K 1973 “Electromagnetic: 2nd Edition” (New York: McGraw Hill)
(2) SOS “Electromagnetic Wave Theory”
Tensor analysis: Rank Two Tensors, Rank Three Tensors. Christtofel symbols, Laplace Transform: Definition of the Laplace Transform, Existence of Laplace Transform, Laplace transforms of some elementary functions, Shifting (or translation) Theorems, The first shifting theorem, The second shifting theorem,Laplace transform of a periodic function,
Laplace transforms of derivatives,Laplace transforms of functions defined by integrals. Special Topics.
(1) Dass H K 1997 “Mathematical Physics” (New Delhi: S Chand)
Fourier Series: Euler-Fourier formulas, Convergence of Fourier series and Dirichlet conditions, Half-range Fourier series, Alternative forms of Fourier series, Integration anddifferentiation of a Fourier series, Fourier transforms for functions of several variables, Integral transform: A note on integral transformations, Power series: Special Topics.
(1) Dass H K 1997 “Mathematical Physics” (New Delhi: S Chand)
The Stern-Gerlach Experiment, Kets, Bras and Operators, Base Kets and Matrix Representations, Measurements, Observables and the Uncertainty Relations, Change of Basis, Position, Momentum and Translation, Wave Functions in Position and Momentum Space Problems. Time Evolution and the Schrodinger Equation, The Schrodinger versus the Heisenberg Picture, Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Schrodinger’s Wave Equation, Elementary Solutions to Schrodinger’s Wave Equation, Propagators and Feynman Path Integrals, Potentials and Gauge Transformations. Rotations and Angular Momentum Commutation Relations, Spin ½ Systems and Finite Rotations Special Topics.
(1) Sakurai J J “Modern Quantum Mechanics: Second Edition”
(2) Griffiths “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics”
(3) EugenMerzbacher “Quantum Mechanics”
Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics, Macroscopic Electric Field, Local Electric Field at an Atom, Dielectric constant and Polarizability, Structural phase transitions, Ferroelectric Crystals, Problems, Special Topics.
Solid State Electronics: Semiconductor Materials and Their Properties, (The Valence Bond Model of the Semiconductor, The Energy Band Model, Equilibrium Concentrations of Electrons and Holes Inside the Energy Bands, The Fermi Level and Energy Distribution of Carriers Inside the Bands), The Temperature Dependence of Carrier Concentrations in an Extrinsic Semiconductors, The Drift of Carriers in an Electric Field, Variation of Mobility with Temperature and Doping Level, Conductivity, Impurity Band Conduction, (The Hall Effect), & Problems, Special Topics.
Introduction toNanoscience and Nanotechnology: Size Matters, The Fundamental Importance of size, The Mechanic Behavior of Nanoparticles, & Problems, Special Topics Preparation of electroceramics by Conventional Ceramics Method and measurement of resistance, capacitance and calculation of dielectric constant(Practical)
(1) Tyagi M S 2000 “Introduction to Semiconductor Materials andDevices” (Singapore: Wiley & sons)
(2 Eugene A. Iren 2005 “ELECTRONIC MATERIALS SCIENCE”(Canada; John Wiley & Sons)
(3) Chris Binns; “Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”(New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons)
(4) Edward L. Wolf; “Nanophysics and Nanotechnology” (Weinheim : WILEY-VCH)
Nuclear Structure Physics: Nuclear Masses, Rms Charge Radii,Charge Densities and Form Factors, Overview of Nuclear Decays Special Topics.
Gas Filled Detectors, Scintillation Detectors, Semiconductor Detectors, Photon (Gamama- Ray and X- Ray) Spectroscopy Special Topics.
(1) “Lecture Notes in Nuclear Structure Physics”, Nov:2005, B Alex Brown, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University.
(2) “Measurement and Detection of Radition”, Second Edition, Nicholas Tsoulfanidis, University of Missouri-Rolla.
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing: Basic Concept of Digital Signal Processing, Basic Digital Signal Processing Examples in Block Diagrams, Overview of Typical Digital Signal Processing in Real-World Applications, Digital Signal Processing Applications.
Signal Sampling and Quantization: Sampling of Continuous Signal, Signal Reconstruction, Analog-to-Digital Conversion, Digital-to-Analog Conversion, and Quantization, MATLAB Programs. Digital Signals and Systems, Digital Signals, Linear Time-Invariant, Causal Systems, Difference Equations and Impulse Responses, Bounded-in-and-Bounded-out Stability, Digital Convolution. Discrete Fourier Transform and Signal Spectrum, Discrete Fourier Transform, Amplitude Spectrum and Power Spectrum, Spectral Estimation Using Window Functions, Application to Speech Spectral Estimation, Fast Fourier Transform, Special Topics.
(1) Thomas,L.Floyd, “Digital Fundamental”, 10th edition (Chapter 11)
(2) William Kleitz, “Digital Electronics, a practical approach with VHDL”,9th edition.
(3) Thomas, L. Floyd, Electronic Devices: Electron flow version, 9th Edition.
(4) Li Tan, “Digital Signal Processing, Fundamental and Application” (Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4)
Density Operators and Pure Versus Mixed Ensembles, Eigenvalues and Eigenstates of Angular Momentum, Orbital Angular Momentum, Schrodinger’s Equation for Central Potentials, Addition of Angular Momenta, Schwinger’s Oscillator Model of Angular Momentum. Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics: Symmetries, Conservation Laws and Degeneracy, Discrete Symmetries, Parity or Space Inversion, Lattice Translation as a Discrete Symmetry, The Time-Reversal Discrete Symmetry, Problems Special topics.
(1) Sakurai J J “Modern Quantum Mechanics: Second Edition”
(2) Griffiths “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics”
(3) EugenMerzbacher “Quantum Mechanics”
Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism, Langevin diamagnetism equation, Quantum theory of diamagnetism of mononuclear systems, paramagnetism, Quantum theory of paramagnetism, paramagnetic susceptibility of conduction electrons, Ferromangetism and Antiferromagnetism.
Solid State Electronics: Excess Carriers in Semiconductors Injection of Excess Carriers, Recombination of Excess Carriers, Mechanisms of Recombination Processes, Origin of Recombination Centers, Excess Carriers and Quasi-Fermi Levels, Basic Equations for Semiconductors Device Operations, Electrical Breakdown in p-n Junctions Phenomenological Description of Breakdown Mechanisms, Theoretical Treatment of Internal Field Emission, Zener Breakdown in p-n Junctions, Secondary Multiplication in Semiconductors, Avalanche Breakdown in p-n Junctions, Effect of Junction Curvature and Crystal Imperfections on the Breakdown Voltage, Dynamic Behvior of p-n Junction Diodes Small-Signal ac Impedance of a Junction Diode, The Charge Control Equation of a Junction Diode, Switching Transients in Junction Diodes, Ohmic Contacts, Hetero junction & Problems. (Special Topics: Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear magnetic resonance, line width, hyperfine splitting, nuclear quadrupoleresonance, ferromagnetic resonance, antiferromagnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance, ferromagnetic resonance, & Problems.)
Junctions and Devices and the Nanoscale: Introduction, Junctions, Metal-Metal Junctions, Metal-Semiconductor Junctions, & Exercises.
Preparation of soft magnetic materials by sol-gel autocombustion Method and measurement of magnetic properties (Practical)
(1) Tyagi M S 2000 “Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices” (Singapore: Wiley & sons)
(2) Eugene A. Iren 2005 “ELECTRONIC MATERIALS SCIENCE” (Canada: John Wiley & Sons)
(3) Chris Binns; “Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons)
(4) Edward L. Wolf; “Nanophysics and Nanotechnology” (Weinheim: WILEY-VCH)
Nuclear Structure Physics: The Fermi Gas Model, Overview of the Nuclear Shell Model, The One-body Potential. Radiation Sources, Interaction of Radiation with Matter, Radiation Dosimetry, Special topics.
(1) “Lecture Notes in Nuclear Structure Physics”, Nov: 2005, B. AlexBrown,Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University.
(2) “Introduction to Health Physics”, Fourth Edition, Herman Cember,Thomas E. Johnson.
The z-Transform: DSP Systems, Basic Filtering Types, and Digital Filter Realizations, Finite Impulse Response Filter Design, Infinite Impulse Response Filter Design, (Hardware and Software for Digital Signal Processors).
Embedded System on Programmable Chip design: Programmable FPGA applications AND / OR
Wireless sensor Network
AND / OR -Sensor Programming on Mobile devices / AND / OR- Internet of Things (IOT)
(1) Li Tan, “Digital Signal Processing, Fundamental and Application”
(2) Richard G. Lyons, “Understanding Digital Signal Processing”
(3) Thomas, L. Floyd,” Digital Fundamental”,10th edition.
Teaching Aids & Labs
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- Modern Physics
- Modern Physics (Solution)
- Radiation Detection And Measurement
- Introduction to Elementary Particles
- Introduction to Elementary Particles (Solution Manual)
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanic (Solution Manual)
- Nuclear Physics explained Course guide book
- Particle Application of Radioactivity and Nuclear Radiation
- Nuclear Structure Volume ± Single Particle
- Nuclear Models
- Material Science and Engineering an introduction solution manual
- Digital Electronic (Volume I+II)
- Electronic Devices (Volume I+II)
- Fundamental of quantum Mechanics
- Molecular Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum mechanics
- Radioactivity Analysis (Volume I+II)
- Nuclear Structure (Volume II)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Solved Problems in electromagnetics
- 1000 Solved Problems in classical Physics
- Basic AC circuit
- Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- Practical Physics
- Special Relativity and Motion Faster than Light
- Digital Fundamental
- Modern Quantum Mechanics
- Dosimetry and radiation Protection
- Introduction to Electrodynamics
- Modern Quantum Mechanics Solution manual
- Radiation Detection and Measurement
- Classical Mechanics
- 1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics
- Health Physics in the 21th Century
- Nanophysics and Nanotechnology
- College Physics (Part I+II)
- Experiment and Demonstrations in physics
- Fundamentals of Material Service and Engineering (Part I+II)
- Material Science and Engineering (Part I+II)
- Material Science and Engineering Students
- Digital Fundamental
- Physics for Technology
- Advanced PLC Microcontroller Projects in C
- Electromagnetics
- Conceptual Electromagnetics
- Applied Electromagnetics Optics
- Elements of Electromagnetics
- Classical Mechanics
- Analytical Mechanics
- Maxwell’s Equation Principles of Electromagnetism
- Understanding Solid State Physics (Problems & Solutions)
- Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics
- Classical Mechanics
- Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
- Vector Analysis
- Fundamental Astronomy
- Health Physics
- Semiconductor Physics and Devices
- Classical Electromagnetism
- Mathematical Physics
- Physics of Solar Cells
- Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics
- Lecture notes in Nuclear Physics
- Theory and Problems of Matrices
- Modern Physics
- Measurement and Detection of Radiation
- Mathematics of Astronomy
- Maxwell’s Equations
- Lagrangians and Hamiltonian
- Analytical Mechanics