Department of Law


Department of Law


Dr Khin Myo Thant

Professor & Head

Ph.D (Constitutional Law & Civil Law)

Department of Law, Yadanabon University, Mandalay, Myanmar

(+95 94025950254)

Dr Thandar Myint


Ph.D (International Environmental Law)

Department of Law, Yadanabon University, Mandalay, Myanmar

(+95 9428128840)




Professor 2
Associate Professor 5
Lecture 12
Assistant Lecturer 2
Tutor 7
Staff 1
Total 29

History of the Department

The Yadanabon University was founded on 22 Feb 2000. The Department of Law was established in June 2000 with one Professor (Head) and four Tutors. At that time, there were (101) LLB students. In 2005, 128 students were awarded for the LLB degree and 11 students for the LLM degree respectively. From 2000 to 2021, the six professors (Head) have been in charge of the department’s duties according to their respective years. Today, two professors including the head professor, five Associate Professors, eleven Lecturers, two Assistant Lecturers with seven Tutors are carrying at the tasks of the department.


  • We cultivate good morality and highly qualified legal knowledge.


  • To provide innovative of learning and teaching
  • To promote advanced studies and research in all branches of law
  • To serve by teaching legal reasoning and problem solving
  • To practice the value of justice through the rule of law
  • To make eligible practice in respective legal profession

Programs Offered

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
Master of Laws (LL.M.)


LL.B. Degree

LL.M.  Degree

Group (A) Civil  Law  Specialization

Group (B) International Law Specialization

Group (C) Maritime Law Specialization

Group (D) Commercial Law Specialization

Descriptions Modules Offered

This module includes Legal Education in Myanmar, National Education Law, The Nature, Meaning and Concept of Law, Sources of Law, The Classification of Law, Method of Studying Law: Enacted Law and Interpretation, Judicial Precedents and Law Reports.
This module deals with The State: Evolution and Formation of State, The Law: Evolution and Development of Law, Ancient Laws, Administration of Justice under the Kingdom of Myanmar, Law of Myanmar under the British Rule, Law of Legal Administration after Independence, Law and Legal System under the Revolutionary Council, Law and Legal Administration from 1988 up to 2011, Law and Legal Administration from 2011 up to present.
This module covers Rules of Law, Human Rights, Legal Profession: Code of Ethics and Etiquettes, Conduct of Judges, Lawyers and Practitioners, Public Laws: Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Public International Law, Private Laws: Myanmar Customary Law, Law of Contract and Tort, Land Laws, Procedural Law: Criminal Procedure Code, Civil Procedure Code, Law of Evidence,  Clinical Legal Education, Legal Aid Law.
This module enables students to understand The Meaning and Nature of Jurisprudence, The Concept of Law and Schools of Jurisprudence, Legal Theories, Administration of Justice, Legal Rights, Ownership, Possession, Liability, The Law of Obligation.
This module focuses on Sources, Marriage: Laws Relating to Marriage, Matrimonial Rights: Incidents of the Marriage, Property, Divorce, Custody of the Child, Adoption of Child.
This module can learn Definitions and Terms of the Contract, Communication, Essentials of a Valid Contract, Void and Voidable Contract, Performance of Contract, Quasi Contract, Discharge of the Contract, The Consequences of Breach of Contract, Law of Agency.

This module introduces Historical development of Labour Law, Amendment Law 2016 and other Labour Laws in Myanmar and ILO Convention. Laws relating to workman compensation, Social Security and Employment Skills and development, Laws relating to settlement of labour disputes and other labour laws and ILO Conventions.

This module is that part of Formation and Subject Matter of Contract, Conditions and Warranties, Implied Terms of the Sale of Contract, Rights and Duties of Seller and Buyer, Rights of Unpaid Sellers, Actions for Breach of Contract, International Sale of Goods: Incoterms: FOB; CIF etc. & Documentary Credit (Letter of Credit, L/C).
This module includes History of the Legal Profession, Nature and Meaning of the Legal Profession, Judicial Principles, Responsibility of the Lawyers, Ethics of the Legal Profession, Bar Council Act (1929) and Amending Law(1989), Legal Practitioner’s Act(1879).
This module focuses on Succession & Inheritance:  General Principles of Inheritance, Order of Succession, Succession Rights of Survivors, Administration Suit, Letter of Administration & Succession Certificate, Pre-emption, Gift.

This module acquaints students with Nature of Tort, Ingredients and Basic Factors to Constitute a Tort, Classification of Torts, Defamation, Negligence, Nuisance, Personal Disabilities, Vicarious Liability.

This module introduces Transfer of Property Act:  Definitions and Meanings of Immoveable Property, Transfer of Property by Parties: Sale, Mortgage, Lease, Exchange, Gift, Right over Land: acquisition of Land holder’s status, Rights of the Land holder, Acquisition and Use of Land. And right to use different categories of land in Myanmar.
This module familiarizes students with Negotiable Instruments Act; Kinds of Negotiable Instrument: Promissory Note, Bill of Exchange and Cheque, Noting and Protest, Endorsement, Notary Public, Legal Essence of Negotiation.
This module deals with  Definitions and Duties of Banker & Customer, The Relation between Banker & Customer, Negotiable Instruments Act, Central Bank of  Myanmar Law, Financial Institutions of Myanmar Law, Banker’s Book Evidence Act, Letter of Credit, The Control of Money Laundering Law, 2014 and Other Related Laws in Myanmar.
This module concerned with Myanmar Penal Code 1861: Operation of the Code, Definitions, Punishments, General Exceptions, Attempt, Abetment, Criminal Conspiracy, Offences against the State, Offences against the Public Tranquility, Offences Affecting the Body and against Property, Offences Relating to Marriage and Defamation.
This module introduces Origin, Nature and Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International Law and Municipal Law, Recognition, State Territory, State Jurisdiction, State Responsibility, Intervention, Diplomatic and Consular Relation, Law of Treaties, Settlement of International Disputes, Law of War.
This module is to enable students to familiarizes with Laws and Cases Relating to different Types of Business Organization; Myanmar Companies Law, 2017. Details about establishing and dissolution of partnership, company and co-operate in Myanmar.
This module introduces Nature, General Principles of the Conflict of laws, the Consecutive Stages in Action involving the Conflict of Laws, Jurisdiction, Domicile, Contracts, Negotiable Instruments, Tort, Family Law, Law of Property, Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Foreign Laws.
This module focuses on Nature, Concept and Principles of Special Criminal Laws, Special Criminal Laws Affecting Criminal Liability, Related Special Criminal Laws in Myanmar: which have special procedures for prosecution, hearing, burden of proof and punishment

This module enables students to understand Organization and Jurisdiction of the Courts, Aid and information to the Magistrates, The Police and Persons Making Arrests , Information to the police and their powers to investigate, Charges, Kinds of Trial, Bail, Judgment, Execution, Appeal, Reference and Revision, General Provisions as to Inquiries and Trails, Withdrawal of Complaint, Maintenance of Wives and Children.

This module familiarizes students with Nature and Development of Human Rights, Categories of Rights, Sources of International Human Rights Law: UDHR and Covenants, Core Conventions, Human Rights Protection and Monitoring Mechanism; Charter-based mechanisms and Treaty-based mechanism: and Regional Human Rights System, International Human Rights Instruments Ratified by Myanmar and Related Domestic Laws.
This module is that part of Doing the business and investing and investment in Myanmar especially in Special Economic Zones, Brief introduction to commercial arbitration.

This module covers General Introduction: Meaning of insurance; Nature of Insurance Contract; Parties to the Contract; Classification of Contract of Insurance; Premiums; Requirement of Insurable Interest; Duties of Disclosure: Parties to the Insurance, Kinds of Policy, Premium, Terms of Policy,  Insurable Interest, Fire Insurance: Insurable Interest, Premium, Marine insurance: Contract of Indemnity, Kinds of Policy and Clauses, Formation of   Insurance Contract, Utmost Good faith, Loses and Claim, Subrogation, Liability Insurance and Motor Vehicle Insurance: (1) Employer Liability, (2) Public Liability, (3) ProfessionalLiability, (4) Bailee Liability, (5) Goods Liability, (6) Motor Liability, Myanmar Laws Relating to Insurance.

This module enables students to learn The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Definition and Characteristic of Treaty, MOUs, Capacity to Make Treaties, Full Powers, Adoption and Authentication, Consent to Be Bound, Reservations, Entry into Force, Treaties and Domestic Law, Successive Treaties, Interpretation of Treaties, Third States, Amendment, Duration and Termination, Invalidity of Treaty, Depositary, Registration and Publication, Settlement of Disputes, Remedies for Breach, Succession to Treaties, Drafting and Final Clauses

This module includes State and Constitution, Classification of Constitution, The Government of Burma Act 1935, Constitution of the Union of Myanmar 1947, Constitution of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Myanmar 1974, Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar 2008.

This module focuses on Civil Procedure Code: Suit in General, Place of Suing, Parties to Suit, Frame of Suit, Recognized Agent and Pleaders, Institution of Suit, Issue in Service of Summon to defendant, Pleading Generally, Plaint, Written Statement and Set-off, Appearance of Parties and Consequences of Non-Appearance, Examination of Parties by the Court, Discovery and Inspection Admissions, Production, Impounding and Return of Documents, Issues, Disposal of the Suit at the first hearing, Summoning and Attendance of Witness, Hearing of the Suit and Examination of Witness, Affidavits, Judgment and Decree.

This module can learn The Land and Revenue Act, The Upper Burma Land and Revenue Regulation; The Myanmar Stamp Act, The Court Fees Act.

This module enables students to familiarizes with Definition, Nature and Types of International Institutions, Historical Development, The Institutions of Universal Character and Regional Institutions, International Personality of Institutions, The UN System; The United Nations and its Principal Organs. The Specialized Agencies of the United Nations, Legal Personality of International Institutions, Responsibility of International Institutions, the Settlement of Disputes by Peaceful Means, Regional Institutions; EU, ASEAN etc.

This module acquaints students with The Four Geneva Conventions and Protocols, The Laws of Land, Air and Sea Warfare, The Laws relating to the Means and Methods of Warfare.

This module enables students to understand Introduction to International Economic Law, Relationship between National and International Economic Law, International Monetary Law and IMF, International Trade Law and WTO, International Development Law, International Investment Law, International and Economic Organizations.

This module covers Rights and Protection of Children, Child Courts, Juvenile Justice, Laws Relating to Child Rights in Myanmar, The United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child, 1989 (CRC).

This module introduces General Principles of Administrative Law: Definition and Nature of Administration, The Legislative, Executive and Judicial Powers of the Administration, Doctrine of Separation of Powers, Subordinate Legislation, Quasi-Judicial Function of Administration; Administrative Tribunals, The Control of the Powers of the Administration; Legislative Control, Judicial Control, The Rules of Natural Justice, Statutory Exclusion of Remedies, The Role of Tribunals in England, French Administrative Courts.

This module concerned with Executions of Decrees and Orders, Death, Marriage and Insolvency of Parties, Withdrawal and Adjustment of Suits, Payment into Court, Costs and Security for Costs in Special cases, Commissions, Suits by or against the Government or Public Officers in their official capacity, Suits by or against Member of the Myanmar Military, Naval or Air Forces, Suits by or against Corporations, Suits by or against Firms and Persons carrying on business in names other than their own, Suits relating to mortgages of immoveable property, Suits by or against Trustee, Executors and Administrators, Suits by or against Minor and Persons of unsound mind, Suits relating to mortgages of immoveable property, Interpleader, Arrest and Attachment before Judgment, Temporary Injunction and Interlocutory Orders, Appointment of Receivers, Appeal, Review, Revisions, Specific Relief Act, Limitation Act, Suit Valuation Act.

This module deals with Income Tax Law, Commercial Tax Law, Sea and Land Customs Act, Tariff Law 1992, ၂၀၁၈ အခွန်အယူခံခုံအဖွဲ့ ဥပဒေ၊ အခွန်ဆိုင်ရာ စီမံအုပ်ချုပ်မှု ဥပဒေ ၂၀၁၉။

This module includes Definition of Environment, The sources of International Environmental Law, Origin and Evolution of International Law; Before the Stockholm, From Stockholm to Johannesburg and Beyond, The Evolution of International Environmental Law during and after the Rio Conference, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Agenda 21, Myanmar Agenda 21, Laws Related Environment in Myanmar.

This module acquaints students with The Sources and Development of the Modern Law of the Sea, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, Territorial Sea and Right of Passage, Internal Waters, Contiguous Zone, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone, Freedoms of High Seas.

This module focuses on Carriage of Goods by Sea Act; Types of Charter-Party, Bills of Lading, Carrier’s Responsibilities and Liabilities, Limitation of liability, Carriage of Goods by Air Act; Documents relating to the carriage by air, Carrier Liability, Carriage of Goods by Rail and Road, Documentary Responsibilities, Convention on the International Carriage by Rail, Convention on the International Carriage by Road, International Multimodal Transport.



This module deals with Contract of Export Sale, INCOTERMS, Unification of Laws on International Sales, The Contracts of Transport, International Payment, E-commerce Law, Myanmar Laws relating to International Trade, ASEAN Economic Agreements.

This module introduces Extent and Value of the Evidence Act; Facts which may be proved; Facts which need not be proved; Admission, Confession, Statement to a Police Officer; Opinion, Oral Evidence.

This module includes Admiralty of Jurisdiction, Regulation of Ship, Ownership, Mortgage, Maritime Liens, Sale of Ship and Shipbuilding Contracts.

This module focuses on Development of Military Law, Act and Rules, Commissions Enrolment, Offences and Respect of Person, Civil Offences, Arrest and Proceedings before Trial, Courts-Martial, Jurisdiction of Court- Martial, Procedure of Courts- Martial, Punishment, Execution of Sentences, Pardons, Remissions and Suspensions, Appeals.

This module familiarizes students with Introduction to the comparative study of legal system, Comparative law of Different Fields of Laws: Comparative Study Law of Contract, Commercial Law, Transport Law, Civil Law, Maritime Law, Constitutional Law.

This module introduces Definition of Criminology as a Science, the Study Classification of Crime, Modern Sociological, Theories of Punishment, Development of the Treatment Method in Imprisonment, Parole and Probation, Juvenile Problem, Prevention and Control Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile Courts and The Method of Reformation.

This module provides Documentary Evidence, Protection and Effect of Evidence, Estoppel, Burden of Proof, Witnesses, Examination of Witnesses, Improper Admission and Rejection of Evidence.

This module deals with Exclusion and Limitation of Liability, Collision, Master and Crew, Towage, Salvage, Harbours and Pilotage, The Myanmar Merchant Shipping Act.

This module concerned with Categories of Intellectual Property; Copyright and Related Rights, Industrial Property, International Instruments Relating to Intellectual Property Rights, Laws Relating to Intellectual Property Rights in Myanmar.

This module enables students to learn Definitions, General Principles and Constructional Theories, Form of State and Government Fundamental Rights of the People, Organizations and Functions of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Departments as laid down in the Constitutions of ASEAN Countries.

This modules is that part of International Criminal Arbitration, Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Arbitration Law of Myanmar.

This module can learn Private International Air and Space Law, Public International Air Law, Penal Air Law and Pollution.

This module introduces Definitions, Punishments, General Exceptions and Right of Private Defence, Offences under the Penal Code and case study.

This module covers Salient Points of Laws relating to Partnership, Companies, Co-operative Societies.

This module includes Development and Principles of Myanmar Customary Law, Marriage, Divorce, Adoption, Succession and Gift under Myanmar Customary Law.

This module focuses on General Principles and Constitutional Theories, Sovereignty, Constitutional Interpretation, Constitutional Tribunal, Amendment of Constitution, Development of the Constitution of Myanmar, Myanmar Citizenship Law 1982.

This module deals with Organizations of Courts and Criminal Jurisdiction, Legal Essence of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Revision and Appeal, Judiciary Law, Court’s Manual and Directives.

This module concerned with Organizations and Civil Jurisdiction of Courts, Legal Essence of the Code of Civil Procedure, Procedure in Appeal, Review and Revision, Judiciary Law, Laws relating to Specific Relief, Limitation, Suit Valuation, Court Fees and Stamps.

This module introduces Comparative Study of Family Laws, Marriage, Succession, Inheritance, Divorce and Adoption.

This module focuses on The Constitution of ASEAN Countries and Constitution of Other Countries and Constitution of Other Countries: UK, USA, Germany, India, etc.

This module enables students to understand Existing Special Criminal Laws, Laws relating to Suppression of Prostitution, Gambling, Corruption, Public Property Protection, Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Control of Money Laundering, Mutual Legal Assistance, Anti-Trafficking in Persons, National Food and Drug and Arms Act.

This module introduces Application and Scope of the Evidence Act, Evidence and Proof, Production and Effect of Evidence, Burden of Proof, Procedure in Courts.

This module focuses on History of Labour Laws in Myanmar, The Employment Contract, the Settlement Labour Dispute Law, 2012, Social Security Law, 2012, Labour Organizations Law, 2011, Law of Oversea Employment Law, 1999, and other existing Labour laws in Myanmar, Selected ILO Convention.

This module provides students with Historical Background of Land Laws in Myanmar, Revenue Laws with Reference to Land, The Transfer of Property Act, 1882, The Registration Act, 1908, Transfer of Immoveable Property (Restriction) Law, 1984, Urban Rent Control Act, 1960, Land Acquisition Act, 1894, Farmland Law, 2012, Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Land Management Law, 2012 and related Rules.

This module includes The Nature and Development of International Law, Sources of International Law, Subjects of International Law, Relation between International Law and Municipal Law, Recognition, State Territory.

This module covers The Definition, Principles, Scope and Standards of International Economic Law, MFN, Minimum, National Treatment and S&D Standard, UN Resolution on the Permanent Sovereignty Over Natural Resources, 1962, Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, 1975, International Economic Transaction and International Integration; UNECOSOC & Economic Commissions, WTO, UNCTAD, UNCITRAL, IMF and World Bank Group, Multilateral and Bilateral Treaties of Customs Union and Free Trade: EFTA , EU, EEA,MERCOSUR, NAFTA, AFTA and ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

This module introduces Compulsive means of the settlement of disputes, Legal and Illegal Use of Force, Self-defence, The General Principles of International Law of Armed Conflicts, Legal Effects of War, Basic Issues, Law of Neutrality, Collective Security and Belligerent Occupation. The Nature and Historical Development of IHL, Basic Principles, The Four Geneva Conventions and Protocols, The Laws of Land, Air and Sea Warfare, The Laws relating to the Means and Methods of Warfare.

This module deals with Definition, Characteristics and Types of Treaties, Treaty-Making Capacity, The Creation of a Treaty, Vienna Convention on The Law of the Treaties, (1969) and States Practices, Entry into Force, Binding Forces of Treaties (pacta sunt servanda), Reservation of Treaties, Suspension and Termination of Treaties, Denunciation, Interpretation and Application of Treaties, Legal Effects between Inter-parties and Legal Effect on Non-parties, Treaties and Municipal Law, Causes of Invalidity, Validity of Treaties, State Succession and Evolution of Treaties, Effect of War on Treaties.

This module covers Jurisdiction, Immunities from Jurisdiction, Diplomatic Law, State Responsibility, Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes, International Human Rights Law, State Succession.

This module includes Contract of Export Sale, INCOTERMS, Unification of Laws on International Sales, The Contracts of Transport, International Payment, E-commerce Law, Myanmar Laws relating to International Trade, ASEAN Economic Agreements.

This module focuses on Historical Development, Sources and State Responsibility relating to Environment, The Appropriate Standard, Polluter Pay Principle (PPP) Causes of Pollution: Waste, Deforestation, Desertification, Ozone Depletion etc., Marine Pollution and Global Warming, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Global Environmental Fund, Enforcement and Remedies of International Environmental Law, Myanmar Environmental Laws.

This module covers Definition, Nature and Types of International Institution, Historical Development, The Institutions of Universal Character and Regional Institutions, International Personality, The UN System: The United Nations and Its Principal Organs including ICJ, The Specialized Agencies, Regional Institutions; EU, ASEAN, etc.

This module includes Private International Air Law and Space Law, Public International Air Law, Penal Air Law and Pollution.

This module focuses onThe Sources and Development of the Modern Law of the Sea, Territorial Sea and Right of Passage, Internal Waters, Contiguous Zone, Continental Shelf, EEZ, Freedoms of the High Seas, The Bodies Established under the UNCLOS 1982.

This module deals with Categories of IP, Copyright and Related Rights, Industrial Property, International Rules and States Practice, Myanmar Laws and Practice relating to IP.

This module covers General Principles and Commercial Practice, Insurable Interest, Insurable Value, Disclosure and Representation, Agents and Brokers.

This module includes Commercial Practice, Voyage, Time and Demise Charter parties, Representation, Conditions and Warranties, Frustration, Loading, Discharge and Delivery.

This module introduces Admiralty Jurisdiction; Procedure in action in rem and action in personam, Ownership, Registration, Flag of Convenience, Sale, Ship Building Contract.

This module covers History and Sources of the Modern Law of the Sea, State Jurisdiction, Internal Waters, Drawing of Baselines, Access to the Ports, Territorial Sea, Right of Innocent Passage.

This module focuses on The Policy, Assignment of the Policy, Double Insurance, Terms and Conditions of Marine Insurance Contract, The Premium, Reinsurance, Lloyd’s Form of Policy.

This module concerned with The Functions of Bill of Lading, The International Conventions, The Rights and Liabilities of Carriers and Shippers under a Bill of Lading, e Bill of Lading.

This module deals with Collision, Mortgage, Pilotage, Towage, Exclusion and Limitation of Ship owner’s Liability.

This module covers Contiguous Zone, Straits used for International Navigation, Archipelagic States. Exclusive Economic Zone, Continental Shelf.

This module includes Loss and Abandonment; Partial Losses, Measure of Indemnity, Institute clause, Protection and Indemnity Club, The Role of Myanmar Insurance, Insurance Claim.

This module deals with The Duties and Authority of the Master, Freight, Demurrage and Dispatch Money, General Average.

This module introduces Salvage, Maritime Liens, Safety Regulations for Merchant and Passenger Ships, Master and Crew, Stevedoring Contract, Use of Harbours and Docks.

This module includes Freedom of High Seas and Exceptions of Exclusive Jurisdiction of Flag State, International Sea-bed Areas, Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment, International Rules and National Legislation to Prevent, Reduce and Control the Marine Pollution, Bodies Established under UNCLOS 1982, Settlement of Disputes, Myanmar Law of the Sea.

This module introduces Laws relating to Partnerships, Companies and Cooperative Societies.

This module covers The Definition, Principles, Scope and Standards of International Economic Law; MFN, Minimum, National Treatment Standard and S&D Standard, UN Resolution on the Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources, 1962, UN Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States 1975, International Economic Transaction and International Integration; UN ECOSOC & Economic Commissions, WTO, UNCTAD, UNCITRAL, IMF and World Bank Group, Multilateral and Bilateral Treaties of Customs Union and Free Trade: EFTA, EU, EEA, MERCOSUR, NAFTA, AFTA and ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

This module provides students with Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Investment Law 2012, State-owned Economic Enterprises Law 1989, Myanmar Citizens Investment Law, 2013 and Investment Related Laws, International Commercial Arbitration, Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Arbitration Law of Myanmar.

This module deals with Income Tax Law 1974, Commercial Tax Law, 1990 and Tariff Law, 1992, Sea Customs Act, 1878 and Land Customs Act, 1924, Court Fees Act,1870, Stamp Act, 1899.

This module introduces Carriage of Goods by Sea; Charter- parties and Bill of lading, Law of Carriage by Air, Land and Multimodal Transport.

This module concerned with General Principles of Private International Law, Proper Law of Contract, Negotiable Instruments, Tort, Marriage and Succession, Enforcement of Foreign Judgment and Awards.

This module provides students with Employment Contracts, Statutory Provisions, Dismissal and Redundancy, Relevant Existing Labour Laws, Disputes Settlement, Relevant ILO Conventions.

This module covers Definitions, Banker and Customer Relationship, Rights and Duties of Banker and Customer, Negotiable Instrument Act, International Payment and Existing Laws.

This module enables students to understands Elements of Insurance, Policy, Insurable Interest, Duty Disclosure, Terms and Conditions of Insurance Contract, Insurance Agent and Broker, Insurance Claims, Proximate Cause of Loss, Life Insurance, Fire Insurance, Marine Insurance, Liability Insurance, Motor Vehicle Insurance and Existing Laws.

This module deals with The Nature and Historical Development of IHL, Basic Principles, The Four Geneva Conventions and Protocols, The Laws of Land, Air and Sea Warfare, The Laws relating to the Means and Methods of Warfare.

This module includes Historical Development, Sources and State Responsibility relating to Environment, The Appropriate Standard, Polluter Pay Principle (PPP) Causes of Pollution: Waste, Deforestation, Desertification, Ozone Depletion etc., Marine Pollution and Global Warming, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Global Environmental Fund, Enforcement and Remedies of International Environmental Law, Myanmar Environmental Laws.

This module covers Categories of IP, Copyright and Related Rights, Industrial Property, International Rules and States Practice, Myanmar Laws and Practice relating to IP.

Activities Photo



  • Agreement Between the World Intellectual Property Organization and the World Trade Organization(1995).
  • Ba Kyaing , U, Marine Insurance and Insurance Law, 1st edition, 2014.
  • Catherine TaySweeKian, “A guide to protection yours ideas, inventions, trade marks & product”, 2nd edition (2004).
  • Graeme B. Dinwoodie, William O Hennersey, ShiraPerlmutter, “International Intellectual Property Law and Policy”, Lexis Nexis, (2001).
  • Hillaire, Barnett, Constitution and Administrative Law, 5th edition, 2004.
  • Hla Aung, “Law and Justice in Myanmar,” Tun Foundation Bank Library, 2008.
  • Holland, The Elements of Jurisprudence, 3rd edition, 1924.
  • Intellectual Property Law Hand book.
  • International Review of Red Cross, Human Rights (Humanitarian debate, law, Policy, action), Vol.90, No. 871, September (2008).
  • IPBA Journals and Periodicals
  • Jorge R.Coquia, “ Legal Profession”, 2nd edition, Rex Book Store, Inc., 2003.
  • Khin Maung Sein, Dr., “ Public International Law: A Practical Approach”, 3rd edition, Sweet & Maxwell ASIA, 2011.
  • Kyaw Sein, U, The Penal Code, 4th edition, 2020.
  • Maung Maung, Dr., Law and Custom in Burma and the Burmese Family, 1963.
  • Mya Sein, U, Myanmar Customary Law, 12th edition, 2014.
  • Oppenheim, L, International Volume I, 9th edition, 1996.
  • Polland, A.J. “ Digest of Law of Contract & Tort”, B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1st edition, 1959.
  • Tanya Aplin and Jennifer Davis, Intellectual Property Law Text, Cases and Materials, 2nd Edition, 2013.
  • The Burma Code, Volume I to XIII.

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