Department of Philosophy
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Dr Khin Myat Mar Head of Department-Philosophy Professor Ph.D (Philosophy ) Department of Philosophy, Yadanabon University, Mandalay, Myanmar (+95-09) |
Professor | – | 1 |
Associate Professor | – | 1 |
Lecture | – | |
Assistant Lecturer | – | 1 |
Tutor | – | 2 |
Total | – | 5 |
History of the Department
The origin of the Department of Philosophy in the Yadanabon University started in the academic year 2000-2001. Rector U Win Maung and Pro-rector U Than Nwe were behind the establishment of the Department. The department of Philosophy offers BA, BA (Hons), and MA programmers in Philosophy.
- To educate students practicing philosophical researches and by encouraging students with the moral courage, intellectual courage, and excellent citizenships.
- To be the center of excellence where all the philosophy students are well learned to be skillful human resources to solve the problems of the challenges of the Globalization.
Programs Offered
BA / BA (Hons) in Philosophy |
MA in Philosophy |
BA in Philosophy
BA (Honours) in Philosophy
Descriptions Modules Offered
- Introduction to Logic
- A Study of logical Fallacies
- 3.A Study of Proposition
- 4. A Study of Immediate Inferences
- Introduction to Western Philosophy
- The Development of Early Greek Philosophy
- A General Study of Plato’s Philosophy
- A General Study of Aristotle’s Philosophy
- A Study of Mediate Inferences
- The Mixed Syllogism
- A Study of Mediate Inferences
- The Utilitity of Deductive Logic for daily life
- A Study of Medieval Philosophy
- 2. A Study of Modern Philosophy
- Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
- The Genesis of Indian Philosophy
- A General Survey of Indian Philosophical Schools
- A Study of the Nature of Induction
- Some Subsidiary Processes of Induction
- Basic Principles of Induction
- Different Kinds of Induction
- Some New Theories of Induction
- Evaluation of Inductive Reasoning
- Criteria for Causal Dertermination
- The Development of Contemporary Philosophy and its General Characteristics
- A Study of Bergson’s Ontology and Epistemology
- A Study of Pragmatism
- A Study of Logical Positivism
- A Study of Realism
- What is Environmental Conservation?
- The Need for an Ethics of Environmental Conservation
- Environmental Ethics as a Topic of Applied Ethics
- An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy
- The Genesis of Chinese Philosophy
- A General Survey of Chinese Philosophical Schools
- A General Survey of Chinese Philosophies
- An Evaluation of Mill’s Method of Causal Determination
- The Nature of Inference in Science
- A Study of Scientific Methodology
- Views Regarding Scientific Methodology
- A Study of Analytical Philosophy
- A Study of Existentialism
- A Study of Contemporary Western Idealism
- A Study of Later Twentieth Century philosophy
- An Evaluation of Contemporary Philosophy
- Ethical Views on Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development (Eastern views)
- Ethical Views on Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development (Myanmar views)
- The Nature of Aesthetics
- Differnet Kinds of Art Criticism
- Art and Society (Western Philosophy)
- A Critical Study of Western Aesthetics
- A Brief History of Logic
- Truth Functional Logic
- The Method of Deduction
- The Nature of Philosophy of History
- A Philosophical Study of Historical Problems
- A Study of Some Nineteeth Century Historical Theories
- Nature and Defination of Myanmar Culture
- Nature of Myanmar Ways of Thinking
- Philosophical impact on Myanmar Traditional Festival
- Myanmar Thought on Reality
- Myanmar Thought on Knowledge
- Myanmar Thought on Morality
- Myanmar Proverbs and Categories of Dialectic Method
- The Nature and Scope of Ethics
- The Fundamental Concepts of Ethical Problems
- A General Study of Some Western Ethical Theories
- A General Study of Some Eastern Ethical Theories
- A Study of Some Eastern Aesthetics
- Myanmar Aesthetics
- Quantification Theory
- Extended Theory of Quantification
- Theory of Relations
- Two Types of Deductive Systems
- Boolean Expansion
- A Study of Some Nineteeth Century Historical Theories
- A Study of Some Twentieth Century Philosophy of History
- Wave Theory of Alvin Toffler
- Myanmar View on Cause and Effect
- Humanism in Myanmar literature
- Myanmar Philosophy View on History
- Filial Piety in Myanmar Tradition
- Logical Reasoning in Myanmar Riddles
- The Role of Myanmar Poems in Environmental Aesthetics
- Theoretical Versus Applied Ethics
- Contemporary Ethical Issues
- Current Ethical Issues in Mynamar
- Guidelines Provided by the Cognitive Beliefs and Moral Values of Myanmar Theravada Buddhist Culture for Resolving Ethical Conflict and Issues
- Introduction to Philosophy of Religions
- Approaches to Philosophy of Religions
- The Four Religions of the World and their Philosophy Trends
- Analytical Study of Philosophy of Religion
- The Critical Examination of the Philosophy of Religion
- The Nature of Philosophical Problems
- A Study of Some Epistemological Problems
- The Nature and Role of Research in Conceptual learning
- A General Study of Research Methodology
- Ways of Thinking and Research Methodology
- What is Research Problem?
- A Biref Study of the Background of Indian Thought
- A Critical Study of the Oustanding Indian Philosophers’ views
- Introduction to Politival Philosophy
- Essential Political Concepts
- Ancient Greek and Roman Political Institutions and Political Philosophy
- Medieval Political Philosophy
- Modern Political Philosophies
- Puritan Revolution in England (Political theories )
- Social Contract Theories
- Political Theories related with American and French Revolution
- Political Theories related with Constitutional Democracy
- Growth of Democractic Idea in America
- Political Philosophy based on Economics
- The rise of Poletarian Socialism and State Socialism
- Recent Political Thoughts
- Introduction to the Nature and History of Science
- A Brief study of the Philosophy of Science and Technology from Greek Contemporary
- Introduction to the Logic and Methodology of Science
- History and Philosophy of Religion
- History of Buddhism
- Buddhism as Philosophy and Buddhism as Religion
- A Comparative Study of Religion
- The Critical Examination of the Philosophy of Religion
- The Writing of an Abstract
- The Entry of Notes, Bibliogography, Diagrams, Illustration, Contents
- Principles of Usage (Words, Citation, etc)
- Ethical Consideration
1. Nishida’s Philosophy of Mu
2. A Critical Study of the Oustanding Japanese Philosophers’ views
3. A Brief Study of the Background of Chinese Thought
4. A Critical Study of Writing of-
4.1. Ch’u Ch’eng
4.2. Ch’en YuHsui
4.3. Hu Shih
5. General Characteristics and Evaluation of Contemporary Eastern Philosophy
- Indian Political Thoughts
- Chinese Political Thoughts
- Japanese Political Thoughts
- The Nature of the Method of Sicence
- Introduction to Some Philosophical Problem of Science
- The Problem of Some Basic Concept of Science
- The Nature of Aesthetics
- Differnet Kinds of Art Criticism
- Art and Society (Western Philosophy)
- A Critical Study of Western Aesthetics
- A Brief History of Logic
- Truth Functional Logic
- The Method of Deduction
- The Nature of Philosophy of History
- A Philosophical Study of Historical Problems
- A Study of Some Nineteeth Century Historical Theories
- Nature and Defination of Myanmar Culture
- Nature of Myanmar Ways of Thinking
- Philosophical Impact on Myanmar Traditional Festival
- Myanmar Thought on Reality
- Myanmar Thought on Knowledge
- Myanmar Thought on Morality
- Myanmar Proverbs and Categories of Dialectic Method
- The Nature and Scope of Ethics
- The Fundamental Concepts of Ethical Problems
- A General Study of Some Western Ethical Theories
- A General Study of Some Eastern Ethical Theories
- Quantification Theory
- Extended Theory of Quantification
- Theory of Quantification
- Two Types of Deductive Systems
- Boolean Expansion
- A Study of Some Nineteeth Century Historical Theories
- A Study of Some Twentieth Century Philosophy of History
- Wave Theory of Alvin Toffler
- Myanmar View on Cause and Effect
- Humanism in Myanmar literature
- Myanmar Philosophy View on History
- Filial Piety in Myanmar Tradition
- Logical Reasoning in Myanmar Riddles
- The Role of Myanmar Poems in Environmental Aesthetics
- Theorethical Versus Applied Ethics
- Contemporary Ethical Issues
- Current Ethical Issues in Mynamar
- Guidelines Provided by the Cognitive Beliefs and Moral Values of Myanmar Theravada Buddhist Culture for Resolving Ethical Conflict and Issues
- Introduction to Philosophy of Religions
- Approaches to Philosophy of Religions
- The Four Religions of the World and their Philosophy Trends
- Analytical Study of Philosophy of Religion
- The Critical Examination of the Philosophy of Religion
- The Nature of Philosophical Problems
- A Study of Some Epistemological Problems
- The Nature and Role of Research in Conceptual learning
- A General Study of Research Methodology
- Ways of Thinking and Research Methodology
- What is Research Problem?
- A Biref Study of the Background of Indian Thought
- A Critical Study of the Oustanding Indian Philosophers’ views
- Introduction to Political Philosophy
- Essential Political Concepts
- Ancient Greek and Roman Political Institutions and Political Philosophy
- Medieval Political Philosophy
- Modern Political Philosophies
- Puritan Revolution in England (Political theories )
- Social Contract Theories
- Political Theories related with American and French Revolution
- Political Theories related with Constitution Democracy
- Growth of Democractic Idea in America
- Political Philosophy based on Economics
- The Rise of Poletarian Socialism and State Socialism
- Recent Political Thoughts
- Introduction to the Nature and History of Science
- A Brief study of the Developnment of Science and Technology from Greek Contemporary Times
- Introduction to the Logic and Methodology of Science
- History and Philosophy of Religion
- History of Buddhism
- Buddhism as Philosophy and Buddhism as Religion
- A Comparative Study of Religion
- The Critical Examination of the Philosophy of Religion
- The Writing of an Abstract
- The Entry of Notes, Bibliogography, Diagrams, Illustration, Contents
- Principles of Usage (Words, Citation, etc)
- Ethical Consideration
1. Nishida’s Philosophy of Mu
2. A Critical Study of the Oustanding Japanese Philosophers’ views
3. A Brief Study of the Background of Chinese Thought
4. A Critical Study of Writing of-
4.1. Ch’u Ch’eng
4.2. Ch’en YuHsui
4.3. Hu Shih
5. General Characteristics and Evaluation of Contemporary Eastern Philosophy
- Indian Philosophy Thoughts
- Chinese Political Thoughts
- Japanese Political Thoughts
- The Nature of the Method of Sicence
- Introduction to Some Philosophical Problem of Science
- The Problem of Some Basic Concept of Science
- The Problem of Reality in Indian Philosophy
- The Problem of Knowledge in Indian Philosophy
- The Problem of Causation
- Metaphysical Background of Ethical Theories
- Meaning of Philosophy of Education
- The Concept of Education
- Values and Education
- Ethics and Education
- Eastern Philosophies and Education
- Idealism and Education
- Realism and Education
- The Background of Buddhism
- Life of the Buddha
- A Historical Sketch of Buddhism
- A General Study of Plato’s Philosophy
- Plato’s View on Knowledge and Virtue
- Truth and Knowledge
- Theories of Knowledge
- Mind and Matter
- Metaphysical Background of Chinese Philosophy
- Moral Problems in Chinese Philosophy
- Problem of Human Nature in Chinese Philosophy
- Philosophies of Process
- Moore and the Revival of Realism
- The Nature of Truth
- Morality and The Good life
- Pragmatism and Education
- Existentialism, Phenomenology, and Education
- Analytic Philosopy and Education
- Reconstructionism and Education
- Behaviourism and Education
- Marxism and Education
- Philosophy, the Theory and Practice of Education
- Schools of Buddhist Thought
- Main Themes of Buddhist Teachings
- Philosophical Concepts in Buddha’s Teachings
- Aesthetic Evaluation of Buddhist Arts
- A General Study of Aristotle’s Philosophy
- Aristotle’s View on Knowledge and Virtue
- Virtue Ethics (Aristotle)
- Moral Sense Ethics
- Naturalism and Anti-naturalism
- Ludwig Wittgenstein – A Lecture on Ethics
- Existentialist Ethics
- The Nature of Logical Truth
- Formal Validity
- Inductive Logic
- A Comparative Study of Formal and Informal Logic
- Research Methodology
- Nature of Social Philosophy
- A Brief study of the Origin and Development of Social Philosophy (East and West)
- A Critical Study of Some Theories of Social Philosophy (East and West)
- Some Sociological Problems in Social Philosophy
- The Value of Social Philosophy
- Indian Philosophy
- Chinese Philsophy
- Japanese Philosophy
- Korean Philosophy
- Myanmar Philosophical Thought
- Historical Development of the Philosophy of Science
- Foundation of Science
- Methods of Science
- Scientific Law and Theory
- Space, Time and Causality
- Philosophy and History
- Explanation in History
- Determinism and Indeterminism in History
- Scientific Definition of Culture
- Facts and Values in Culture
- Empirical Study of Culture
- A Study of the Idea of Existence
- A Study of the Exisrentialism
- A Study of Phenomenological Method
- Philosophy of Bertrand Russell
- Philosophy of George Santayana
- Philosophy of Whitehead
- Philosophy of John Dewey
- A Study of Postmodern Thought
This module covers History and Sources of the Modern Law of the Sea, State Jurisdiction, Internal Waters, Drawing of Baselines, Access to the Ports, Territorial Sea, Right of Innocent Passage.
This module focuses on The Policy, Assignment of the Policy, Double Insurance, Terms and Conditions of Marine Insurance Contract, The Premium, Reinsurance, Lloyd’s Form of Policy.
This module concerned with The Functions of Bill of Lading, The International Conventions, The Rights and Liabilities of Carriers and Shippers under a Bill of Lading, e Bill of Lading.
This module deals with Collision, Mortgage, Pilotage, Towage, Exclusion and Limitation of Ship owner’s Liability.
This module covers Contiguous Zone, Straits used for International Navigation, Archipelagic States. Exclusive Economic Zone, Continental Shelf.
This module includes Loss and Abandonment; Partial Losses, Measure of Indemnity, Institute clause, Protection and Indemnity Club, The Role of Myanmar Insurance, Insurance Claim.
This module deals with The Duties and Authority of the Master, Freight, Demurrage and Dispatch Money, General Average.
This module introduces Salvage, Maritime Liens, Safety Regulations for Merchant and Passenger Ships, Master and Crew, Stevedoring Contract, Use of Harbours and Docks.
This module includes Freedom of High Seas and Exceptions of Exclusive Jurisdiction of Flag State, International Sea-bed Areas, Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment, International Rules and National Legislation to Prevent, Reduce and Control the Marine Pollution, Bodies Established under UNCLOS 1982, Settlement of Disputes, Myanmar Law of the Sea.
This module introduces Laws relating to Partnerships, Companies and Cooperative Societies.
This module covers The Definition, Principles, Scope and Standards of International Economic Law; MFN, Minimum, National Treatment Standard and S&D Standard, UN Resolution on the Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources, 1962, UN Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States 1975, International Economic Transaction and International Integration; UN ECOSOC & Economic Commissions, WTO, UNCTAD, UNCITRAL, IMF and World Bank Group, Multilateral and Bilateral Treaties of Customs Union and Free Trade: EFTA, EU, EEA, MERCOSUR, NAFTA, AFTA and ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
This module provides students with Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Investment Law 2012, State-owned Economic Enterprises Law 1989, Myanmar Citizens Investment Law, 2013 and Investment Related Laws, International Commercial Arbitration, Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, Arbitration Law of Myanmar.
This module deals with Income Tax Law 1974, Commercial Tax Law, 1990 and Tariff Law, 1992, Sea Customs Act, 1878 and Land Customs Act, 1924, Court Fees Act,1870, Stamp Act, 1899.
This module introduces Carriage of Goods by Sea; Charter- parties and Bill of lading, Law of Carriage by Air, Land and Multimodal Transport.
This module concerned with General Principles of Private International Law, Proper Law of Contract, Negotiable Instruments, Tort, Marriage and Succession, Enforcement of Foreign Judgment and Awards.
This module provides students with Employment Contracts, Statutory Provisions, Dismissal and Redundancy, Relevant Existing Labour Laws, Disputes Settlement, Relevant ILO Conventions.
This module covers Definitions, Banker and Customer Relationship, Rights and Duties of Banker and Customer, Negotiable Instrument Act, International Payment and Existing Laws.
This module enables students to understands Elements of Insurance, Policy, Insurable Interest, Duty Disclosure, Terms and Conditions of Insurance Contract, Insurance Agent and Broker, Insurance Claims, Proximate Cause of Loss, Life Insurance, Fire Insurance, Marine Insurance, Liability Insurance, Motor Vehicle Insurance and Existing Laws.
This module deals with The Nature and Historical Development of IHL, Basic Principles, The Four Geneva Conventions and Protocols, The Laws of Land, Air and Sea Warfare, The Laws relating to the Means and Methods of Warfare.
This module includes Historical Development, Sources and State Responsibility relating to Environment, The Appropriate Standard, Polluter Pay Principle (PPP) Causes of Pollution: Waste, Deforestation, Desertification, Ozone Depletion etc., Marine Pollution and Global Warming, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Global Environmental Fund, Enforcement and Remedies of International Environmental Law, Myanmar Environmental Laws.
This module covers Categories of IP, Copyright and Related Rights, Industrial Property, International Rules and States Practice, Myanmar Laws and Practice relating to IP.
Activities Photo
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Agreement Between the World Intellectual Property Organization and the World Trade Organization(1995).
Ba Kyaing , U, Marine Insurance and Insurance Law, 1st edition, 2014.
Catherine TaySweeKian, “A guide to protection yours ideas, inventions, trade marks & product”, 2nd edition (2004).
Graeme B. Dinwoodie, William O Hennersey, ShiraPerlmutter, “International Intellectual Property Law and Policy”, Lexis Nexis, (2001).
Hillaire, Barnett, Constitution and Administrative Law, 5th edition, 2004.
Hla Aung, “Law and Justice in Myanmar,” Tun Foundation Bank Library, 2008.
Holland, The Elements of Jurisprudence, 3rd edition, 1924.
Intellectual Property Law Hand book.
International Review of Red Cross, Human Rights (Humanitarian debate, law, Policy, action), Vol.90, No. 871, September (2008).
IPBA Journals and Periodicals
Jorge R.Coquia, “ Legal Profession”, 2nd edition, Rex Book Store, Inc., 2003.
Khin Maung Sein, Dr., “ Public International Law: A Practical Approach”, 3rd edition, Sweet & Maxwell ASIA, 2011.
Kyaw Sein, U, The Penal Code, 4th edition, 2020.
Maung Maung, Dr., Law and Custom in Burma and the Burmese Family, 1963.
Mya Sein, U, Myanmar Customary Law, 12th edition, 2014.
Oppenheim, L, International Volume I, 9th edition, 1996.
Polland, A.J. “ Digest of Law of Contract & Tort”, B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1st edition, 1959.
Tanya Aplin and Jennifer Davis, Intellectual Property Law Text, Cases and Materials, 2nd Edition, 2013.
The Burma Code, Volume I to XIII.